The opinionated ramblings and muses of a weary web victim.
Sometimes things conspire against you....
Published on May 11, 2009 By Jafo In WinCustomize News

 It's sometimes 'fun' to wrestle with the site whilst it's in 'flux' ...with dev work for the new site the likely culprit for "things-that-now-go-wrong" ....but it's always fun to set and list the new promotees for the month.  [thanks to Island Dog for joining forces in overcoming the latest quirk].

Congratulations, one and all...


Frankell Link

Sc4rfy Link 

Vervi59 Link

Kavel Link

ethylmorphin  Link 

B2R  Link 

warreni  Link 

mdwm Link


Master Apprentice:

DaRkFuSsIoOn's  Link


Comments (Page 5)
5 PagesFirst 3 4 5 
on May 13, 2009

Oh man.....Nicole, I miss ya. Where have you been Milady???






on May 13, 2009


forever yours,


on May 13, 2009



on May 14, 2009

Come on, Helder....this unrequited love must cease....

Come back....all is forgiven....


How's it going, mate?....Long time no see...

on May 14, 2009
Congrats to everyone! Well deserved!   
on May 14, 2009
Congrats to everyone!
on May 16, 2009
All my thanks to the wincustomize community, I am very honoured by it!
5 PagesFirst 3 4 5