I am lousy with dates and such.....but as long as I remember my Wedding Anniversary and Terry's birthday all is well....
One date that Hankers reminded me of [dunno how he does it] is June 24 [and it is that already now, here in Australia, so....]
Happy Birthday, Frogboy.
Wincustomize.com's [and all of Stardock's] members are all "numbered" [eg, I'm '23'] and so it goes that Brad is Number '1'.
But he's more than 'just' number one in that sense, but in any way you like to put it. And not just of Number One importance to the very existence of skinning-as-we-know-it, he's a Number One bloke too...
Now, if life REALLY begins at 40 [and I'm therefore just 16 going on 17], then today is the very first day of your life.
Let's all wish him a good one....