The opinionated ramblings and muses of a weary web victim.
Published on February 7, 2012 By Jafo In Everything Else

Melbourne, Tuesday night....Rod Laver Arena.....

Whole bunch of 50-somethings in the audience....packed house..... Roger Waters at his brilliant best.

The 'light show' alone was worth it.

Stick it on your 'bucket list'....


Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 07, 2012

What really 'bugged me' was the last time the toured 'together' they turned up 'out of the blue' in a pub in Carlton [Melbourne] and played to about 200 STUNNED people.

on Feb 07, 2012

What really 'bugged me' was the last time the toured 'together' they turned up 'out of the blue' in a pub in Carlton [Melbourne] and played to about 200 STUNNED people.

Haha. The Stones did that in a small blues bar in Toronto.

I think it was their 45th reunion tour   



I think it was.....didn't have the money

aww, not enough money to see them play money 

"Get a good job with more pay
 and you're OK" 

on Feb 07, 2012

What really 'bugged me' was the last time the toured 'together' they turned up 'out of the blue' in a pub in Carlton [Melbourne] and played to about 200 STUNNED people.

Little River Band did the same thing in Scottsdale one year - small place with room for about 150.  Blew us away.  Saw them again a few years later at a small theater when they'd gone all Vegas lounge act - really weird.

on Feb 08, 2012

I was on this concert last April in Prague. It was very nice experience indeed. Although shortly after that, i was not very pleased, i thought the sound was bit shit, it was inside the hockey arena. But now, with a bit of retrospect, i have only good memories on it, it was truly a once-in a lifetime experience.

 This summer i am going to Brucie Springsteen, to Prague again. I suppose the PinkFloyd music is more my cup of a tea, but i am sure, i am going to like this as well. Especially, if he is going to sing this:


on Feb 08, 2012

Quoting myfist0, reply 13Never seen Waters on his own but 3 Floyd concerts. 1 when they were all together and 2 without waters. All were the best concerts eva.

myfist0 ...yes, I've seen 'them' every time they've been to Australia, singly or together....except the very first time in the 70's [I think it was.....didn't have the money].

2 Tickets to the Wall cost me $458.20 AUD ....that'll be about 480-90 USD these days..... but worth every penny.

As for 'every time'....even saw Nick Mason in Adelaide one the Grand Prix....he's a 'petrol head'.....[almost as much as Jay Leno]...


Wut? I paid 70 EUROs i think, for one "standing" ticket down on the floor (not sitting in the stands). It was that concert, where the german plane hits the wall in the beginning and then they rebuild it slowly. projecting various things on the wall, like faces of the people, who died in Iraq?



on Feb 08, 2012

Okay, $100 bucks for nose bleeds to The Wall. Worth it?

on Feb 08, 2012

Okay, $100 bucks for nose bleeds to The Wall. Worth it?


Close to the stage you don't get to see the whole show as well.

Outside they sound much better IMO.

on Feb 08, 2012

Toyota Center. Not outside, but still pretty far back seats.

on Feb 08, 2012

I would take it. Also, a good chance too trade up once your there.

See the Wall any way you can, you wont regret it.

on Feb 08, 2012

See the Wall any way you can, you wont regret it.


on Feb 10, 2012

To see a live performance of The Wall has been on my bucket list from its creation.

Wasn't until the mid-teens that I discovered the album. Was impactful. Held much meaning. A story I related to. Over time as I changed, the meanings evolved, the relation deepened. A history with the album speaking towards my own life was developed. Then: the first time watching the movie, was the first time I dropped 'cid.  The story I saw on screen was near abouts the story that been play'n in my own head for years. Is indescribable the power of that moment... upon experiencing all that history colliding within that single present moment; with introspection enhanced with a mind blown wide open like a dry sponge put to focused use.  Deep introspection. self laid bare to the core. deconstructed to be reconstructed. great pain with moments of abandoned jubilation, and back again. An event spanning days, having decades of impact; to present day.

I imagine there are a variety of stories to be found in that album. To each their own. Is about time for me to get deep with another laid bare introspection. Look deep at past/present/future within a single moment. No holds barred. laid bare, complete. Psychoactive substance not required. Only motivation to truly get real with oneself. A reset. Reboot. 


Wheh, I went off there but won't delete. So segueing back, while associating Pink Floyd with bucket lists....

 For fans of Pink Floyd: I share my favorite cover of a Pink Floyd song. A version where the story in the lyric is in accurate sync to the voice and instrumental. This version is it for me. May be better than the original. It just hits me genuine and real like that.

Pink Floyds: Time, as told by dcinstinct


on Feb 10, 2012

Not a bad ver...

I got into Floyd eons ago....back in the late 60's  while still in highschool....around the time of Pipers....

Here's an early clip....with  a very young and new Gilmore....

....about the time Syd was 'off the planet....' ....


on Feb 10, 2012

Here's one I bet few even heard....

on Feb 10, 2012

And I have this...... 

on Feb 10, 2012

It was the mid 80's for me. I'd missed both those you shared. Thanks for posting them. And praise be the power of YouTube as relates to sharing the joy of things otherwise lost ;~p I"m motivated to post a rare version of Steve Millers Fly Like an Eagle. Is better posted in a new thread I suppose. 


Here's an ultra rare recording of Pink Floyd with the Beatles and the Bee Gees:





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