The opinionated ramblings and muses of a weary web victim.
Published on February 14, 2012 By Jafo In Everything Else

It's been too many years.....should'a got 'em probably 5 years ago....but you get slack/diverted/etc....

I've had them since I was about 15 .... I blame school/study for now having crap eyesight....used to be able to spot a Wedgie 2 miles up in the air currents [Aussies will know what that is]....but not anymore.

Needless to say things went downhill....getting the script....

First....the original optometrist has long-since moved it's a new one....then they lost my history...all 40+ years of it.... then their computers went down... and their camera for photographing the back of the eye.....

Then they didn't have decent frames [as good as what I already had....] I had to leave them with my 'clear' glasses....and I am now either stuck looking dimly through the prescription sunnies....[and turn up the brightness on the monitor]...or all fuzzy with the ancient glasses I never threw out...but really should....[they're NQR now]

So.... I got a week of 'making do' till the new ones are done [into the good frames] ...then go through much the same with the prescription sunnies....

And just the first lot cost me $440 so it'll be all that again for the dark lenses [polarised].


I think I know why I waited so long....



Meanwhile....squinting at the screen typing this is an absolute pain....

It'll be quite politic if people 'tread softly' in my I am likely to strangle twits at the drop of a hat.....


....assuming I can see them....

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 15, 2012

on Feb 15, 2012

LOL yeah. I went with boots opticians this time and I'm looking forward to my new glasses although i don't know why it costs you guys $300+ I paid £120 for mine and I get 2 pairs 1 for normal use and 1 for sunglasses

on Feb 15, 2012

Some grinds are costlier than others.

Once upon a time mine was only do-able in glass....these days it's coated plastic....but no cheaper....

on Feb 15, 2012

Thanks for the font, Dave.... but it'd be 'up', not down....
A 'wedgie'...

You have a seeing problem and I have an age problem. It was late when I read this and replied and my brain slows down. I'm fresh now and yes, would rather look at a wedgie upwards.

on Feb 15, 2012

I constantly have to tell young people in chats, "TYPE LOUDER--I CAN'T HEAR YOU!".

on Feb 15, 2012

I got my curren set at

Great selection, great service, great price.

on Feb 15, 2012

I constantly have to tell young people in chats, "TYPE LOUDER--I CAN'T HEAR YOU!".

And I often have to type more they can catch up....

on Feb 15, 2012

I got my curren set at

Great selection, great service, great price.

Right-e -oh ....

I'll just pop over the pond then and grab a pair, shall I? ....

on Feb 15, 2012

If you join the military they'll give you FREE glasses.


on Feb 15, 2012

I got my curren set at

Great selection, great service, great price.


on Feb 15, 2012

I recommend these frames.

on Feb 15, 2012

If you join the military they'll give you FREE glasses. 57?

I'll join the SAS crack Zimmer frame battalion ....

on Feb 15, 2012

Humph, this explains how that dolphin wallpaper got past moderation...

on Feb 15, 2012

I went with the laser option.  It's the way to be.  

on Feb 15, 2012

I went with the laser option. It's the way to be.

If you're one of the small percentage that it's actually suitable for....

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