The opinionated ramblings and muses of a weary web victim.

So said the news item yesterday......

Maybe it's because we're so easily amused....


Surely can't be because Gina is Numero Uno Rich-Bitch on the planet.....

It would take the average Australian 465 THOUSAND YEARS to match her PERSONAL income for this one year.  NINETEEN BILLION and counting.

Come on, you really know the reason for the Carbon Tax.

She ain't gonna give it up willingly....even wanted to hold off on giving it to her OWN kids until 2065.....

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 24, 2012

My country, Canada, is similar to Australia in that respect. Opposite to that of the U.S., any of our governments here in Canada think the answer to everything is to raise taxes. There seems to be some strange corelation. The higher the taxes, the happier the population.

on May 24, 2012

In the US of A they have all reasons to raise tax, so far at $40K per person per year spending. The problem there is no money to pay them (coming from someone who shares a house with missing shingles with its owner because can pay rent)  Maybe Gina would pay? FB going to mess up the economy if we don't get help from somewhere.


I would really like to avoid taxes entirely - maybe move to Australia? Does Gina like dogs?

on May 24, 2012

Put away your Aussie propaganda. China, North Korea, and Cuba are the happiest countries. 

on May 25, 2012

I actually don't get that Norway is #3. Norwegians complain a lot.......but then again, maybe we are happiest when we have something to complain about. That's why we love paying really high taxes!

on May 25, 2012

that is ONLY if you believe the propaganda of their dis-information departments, personally I can not trust ANY form of official information 'service' or broker, especially when that are making money from supply of information & dis-information.

regarding the tax situation australia now has a carbon tax that appears to equate one ton of coal (carbon basically) with 20 tons of carbon in the air, AND taxes based upon the 20 tons of carbon in the air instead of the ONE ton that produced it, and has a GST of 10% on all transactions other than food ingredients (not all forms of food, just the ingredients), then has a wages tax that starts at only 15% for the first $37k, then jumps to 30% to $80k, then another jump to 37% up to $180k and 45% over the $180k, and on top of that there is the super tax, flood tax, fire tax, and as far as Iknow there might even be a politics tax(hope not, but the idiots in can'tberra want more taxes so that they can rake in more money, but they have not noticed that the entire economy is shrinking at about the rate of taxes).

so if you want to aviod or minimise tax then do NOT come to australia, you WILL be taxes into and IN the grave.




on May 25, 2012

Who is Gina?

on May 25, 2012

Who is Gina?

Exactly me thought, too, Bryan....

Must be one of those US conditions where "if it's known here, the rest of the world must be aware of it too", that has infected the Aussies.

on May 25, 2012

Who is Gina?

A fat ugly bitch with a lot of money she mostly inherited from her late father, Western Australian mining magnate, Lang Hancock.  She now heads his empire and is the richest Woman in Australia, soon the World

on May 25, 2012

Who is Gina?

she is the richest woman in the world... with the potential to be the richest person in the world....  watch out Carlos...



on May 25, 2012

that is ONLY if you believe the propaganda of their dis-information departments, personally I can not trust ANY form of official information 'service' or broker, especially when that are making money from supply of information & dis-information.

regarding the tax situation australia now has a carbon tax that appears to equate one ton of coal (carbon basically) with 20 tons of carbon in the air, AND taxes based upon the 20 tons of carbon in the air instead of the ONE ton that produced it, and has a GST of 10% on all transactions other than food ingredients (not all forms of food, just the ingredients), then has a wages tax that starts at only 15% for the first $37k, then jumps to 30% to $80k, then another jump to 37% up to $180k and 45% over the $180k, and on top of that there is the super tax, flood tax, fire tax, and as far as Iknow there might even be a politics tax(hope not, but the idiots in can'tberra want more taxes so that they can rake in more money, but they have not noticed that the entire economy is shrinking at about the rate of taxes).

so if you want to aviod or minimise tax then do NOT come to australia, you WILL be taxes into and IN the grave.




And yet, STILL Gina made NINETEEN BILLION DOLLARS last financial year.

Because when you reach a certain 'level' NOTHING can touch you.

on May 25, 2012

So,is everybody happy?

Watch the entire clip, your brain will turn to mush and you'll pluck your eyes out with a fork. Only then will the answer come to you.

on May 25, 2012

And the great thing is, a Pilbara Iron Ore mine owned by Gina Rineheart has got permission from the federal government to bring in the entire workforce from overseas, without even trying to get local workers first.  It's one thing to oppose the mining tax, it's another to be able to not even bother to try to employ workers that, you know, actually live in the place the resources are coming from?

on May 25, 2012

I'm in the process of becoming a foreign worker right now, and it's a bummer.  Not in Australia, but a similar country, and it's the same story, giving significant preferential treatment to local workers and all.   And I'm a skilled worker.  So I've got a different perspective on things--like you should feel complimented that people want to live in your country, I feel highly discriminated against, maybe we should have a global economy on this one, all that.    It's like you want first divs on your own local labor market, but it comes at the price of...if you ever need to do a gig elsewhere, they are giving themselves first divs on theirs.  What goes around comes around.  It seems better to me at this point to just have no discrimination, instead of double discrimination; and the only purpose it really serves is to restrict our international freedoms.

on May 25, 2012

Quoting BoXXi,
reply 22
Who is Gina?

she is the richest woman in the world... with the potential to be the richest person in the world....

And you'd think, with all that money, she'd invest in a friggin' facelift... tho with a triple chin like hers, it'd probably take a piece of heavy lifting machinery from one of her mines to make any real difference.  Yup, she's got a head on her like a bucketful of scrotums.

More importantly, me thinks, she should do something positive for the environment and conservation.... like liposuction, for instance.  With the amount of by-product drained from her ginormous gut n' arse, there'd be enough blubber to keep the Japanese whaling fleet from ever having to put to sea again.

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