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Jafo's Ramblings
The opinionated ramblings and muses of a weary web victim.
People will hit me, but.....
Published on November 11, 2002 By
WinCustomize Talk
What ya listenin' to at the moment?
Me?...a great bit of serious guitar work called 'Yo Momma', from Frank Zappa [Sheik Yerbootie]....my kinda music, and something even Hendrix would have been proud of....
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Comments (Page 103)
499 Pages
on Feb 02, 2003
Can you track him down or not?
I don't know how to do it.
on Feb 02, 2003
I wish Jafo was here, he's probably sleeping since he's in a different time zone.
on Feb 02, 2003
#1486 by Skinner Iben - 2/2/2003 1:13:16 AM
One never Knows about numbers or e mail.
#1487 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 1:21:28 AM
Iben, so you are really Scott Sproat then, huh?
#1488 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 1:29:19 AM
I don't hear you denying anything, Scott
#1489 by Skinner Iben - 2/2/2003 1:30:12 AM
Adam White, aka Scott Sproat
No JamMeister33 but I know where I can find Him!!!
#1490 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 1:36:02 AM
So do I, in the email you just sent me, Iben or whoever you are...
#1491 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 1:37:01 AM
Why single me out?
#1492 by Skinner Iben - 2/2/2003 1:37:19 AM
sleep tight don't let the bed bugs BIGHT!
#1493 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 1:39:04 AM
whatever, you pathetic little turd
#1494 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 1:39:50 AM
nice spelling by the way, NOT
#1495 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 1:54:29 AM
Gee, Iben... I wonder who put you up to this... like I can't guess...
#1496 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 3:20:33 AM
Okay, that's it... I'm sick to death of being set upon by certain "people" on this website...
I don't deserve this BS and I'm not going to take it anymore.
Goodbye, I'm not coming back.
Kiss my you know what, you know who you are.
I am out of here.
#1497 by Skinner Weaksid - 2/2/2003 5:03:00 AM
Yea, lben is the same person as the Lamer or they have live in the same area
#1498 by IPlural - 2/2/2003 5:47:36 AM
U2 : In the name of Love
#1499 by IPlural - 2/2/2003 5:52:44 AM
Page 60 of 62
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on Feb 02, 2003
That was page 60
on Feb 02, 2003
Heres page 62
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#1500 by Skinner Weaksid - 2/2/2003 5:55:45 AM
I hope JM didn't leave because of that
#1501 by IPlural - 2/2/2003 7:55:41 AM
me also...
I dunno what even took place, but...
I've been downtime moving my office around and stuff, that was the first post I saw when I logged in.
it'lleally suck if does though
#1502 by Skinner Weaksid - 2/2/2003 8:09:30 AM
I've been doing some research and I've been getting some weird results. But I'm not posting what I've found till I'm possitive with things.
It's just weird. I don't understand. Either lben is this person or he has a friend that he got to do this. But if it's him, then he has a split personality. Which isn't uncommon.
#1503 by Skinner Weaksid - 2/2/2003 8:10:45 AM
Split personalities if were under control usually is brought up by stress, a action, depression, not taking meds, etc. I guess we'll see what happens.
#1504 by Skinner Weaksid - 2/2/2003 8:14:47 AM
Jars of Clay - "He"
#1505 by Jafo - 2/2/2003 8:21:15 AM
Weaksid...email me.
If there is a 'problem', I'd like to know....
#1506 by Skinner Weaksid - 2/2/2003 8:38:57 AM
Jafo, once I put together in a better format of my info. I'll send you what I have so far.
#1507 by Keila - 2/2/2003 9:20:16 AM
What on earth is going on this time?
I hope JM comes back.
#1508 by Mr werewolf - 2/2/2003 11:13:14 AM
Oh crap...what now
Is Iben really that Sproat guy? If he's been harassing Jam he needs to get kicked.
Come on back Jam...Don't let anyone get to you like that. The rest of us love you and want you back in here with us.
#1509 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 11:20:10 AM
I got a nasty email from Scott Sproat that evidently was sent to me by Iben!
#1510 by Mr werewolf - 2/2/2003 11:27:49 AM
well that totally sucks!!! Are they the same person or do they just hang out together? Whichever the case...
Iben, you need to dis-associate yourself from sproat. Jam is a friend here and screwing around with him is going to get you kicked and draw the ire of many folks here.
Hang in there Jam... btw...saw your pic. Looks like a mug shot
#1511 by Keila - 2/2/2003 11:30:43 AM
I am glad to see you back Jam.
#1512 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 11:36:34 AM
Thanks for the support, my friends...
You should see my driver's license, wolfie....
#1513 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 11:37:28 AM
I don't know what is going on with Iben, but perhaps Weaksid and Jafo can sort this out.
#1514 by Skinner Iben - 2/2/2003 11:38:40 AM
Read page 60 of this thread.
Sometimes the guily party trys to frame some one
that someone is me.
Produse the email in the form of a farward to me JamMeister33
I would like to see it.The bad guy likes to cuss ,I don't.
Put your thinking caps on people.
May be I found the bad guy.
#1515 by Mr werewolf - 2/2/2003 11:43:09 AM
Iben, could you use the post number instead of the page? My page numbers only go to 31. I really don't want this to be you so I'll look at what you've got.
#1516 by Keila - 2/2/2003 11:46:16 AM
I had already read page 60 twice and that it what got me to wondering what was going on here in the first place. I do not see how it would clear anything up.
#1517 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 11:46:49 AM
Iben, if I'm accusing you wrongly, I sincerely apologize.
I will forward you a copy of the email.
Perhaps it was only coincidental that you made that statement to me at the same time I got the email.
#1518 by Skinner Iben - 2/2/2003 11:51:35 AM
The statement I made last night wasn't to you
I was trying to smoke out the bad guy.
You were the first person to reply
#1519 by Skinner Iben - 2/2/2003 11:53:34 AM
May be you should forward that email to me and some other people like Jafo
#1520 by Keila - 2/2/2003 11:54:46 AM
Don't go blaming JamMeister33 for anything, it will get you nowhere really quick.
#1521 by Skinner Iben - 2/2/2003 11:55:51 AM
Jafo and I are waiting for the email JamMeister33 !!!!
#1522 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 11:55:51 AM
I already forwarded it to Jafo last night, and I just forwarded it to you.
#1523 by JamMeister33 - 2/2/2003 11:57:32 AM
and how does responding to my music posts smoke out the bad guy... I don't understand your thinking..?
#1524 by elvee - 2/2/2003 11:59:56 AM
Wait, Wait >>
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on Feb 02, 2003
Yeh, and your point is?
on Feb 02, 2003
You took the words right out of my mouth Jam.
on Feb 02, 2003
Thank you, Keila
I was spinning tunes last night and suddenly Iben starts making cryptic remarks and right away I get a hate email from this Scott Sproat person. Is that him framing Iben, or did Iben send it? This is all I want to know.
on Feb 02, 2003
Maybe jafo will figure This all out .
If he cares.
I guess we will have to wait.
on Feb 02, 2003
Hey Iben, Whats Up? You got more to the story?
on Feb 02, 2003
Oh, he cares alright...
And I'll say it again Iben, if I accused you wrongly I apologize.
It doesn't make sense that you would do something like this.
on Feb 02, 2003
Jafo has every thing on this just wait till later to see what he says.
I hope JamMeister33 did fwr that email to him!
I think we should drop it for now.
Hopefully Jafo can figure it out .If he cares to.
on Feb 02, 2003
No Problem Iben. I just hope everything gets sorted out and everyone is still happy in the end
on Feb 02, 2003
Man.. I missed it all. lben. I am not framing you. Just to let you know. I just got some weird numbers. All I can say is that the IP from this Scott person is using a VA server. Which I don't even know if you live in VA first off. I hope I didn't offend you in any way. You've been here longer than I have. I doubt that you would cause any trouble.
I'm just trying to put all the info I have together and see what all I come up with so we could find that person.
JM, if he is e-mailing you. Could you send me the IP addresses or the mails so I can see if he has a static or a multi IP address to confirm this. I then pass the info on to Jafo.
on Feb 02, 2003
Weaksid, I'll forward you a copy of the email but there is no info on it other than his hate mail and his name...
Can you do anything with that?
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