The opinionated ramblings and muses of a weary web victim.
Published on November 11, 2002 By Jafo In WinCustomize Talk
What ya listenin' to at the moment?

Me?...a great bit of serious guitar work called 'Yo Momma', from Frank Zappa [Sheik Yerbootie] kinda music, and something even Hendrix would have been proud of....
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on Mar 29, 2003
only if I get his button

na, I wouldn't have his job, glad he does though, really really and the rest too

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on Mar 29, 2003
hey IP did you see what paxx wrote in the iraq thread about me?
on Mar 29, 2003
kona hate is really a strong word.. I hate many things, but only two people, and one of those I actually love at the same time, odd, huh?

Jafo really is a good guy and person, I think for the most part any contention between you revolves around manners in which communication is approached, the meaning gets lost in the mix and all that is left is the words, and those do not always bode well when dissimulating and assimilating without tactil infrmation passing along with them (the words)...

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on Mar 29, 2003
mm, no kona, I didn't..

I tend to pass thing that are directly pointed at people, though a couple of us do read them so at times I do have an inkling about some of them.

umm, do you know what number post?

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on Mar 29, 2003
I used the word hate as a joke. I don't hate Jafo, he has helped me out several times. I like the man. Sorry if you thought I meant otherwise.
on Mar 29, 2003
Hey IP: post 1054 and down.
on Mar 29, 2003
I just read through the thread...

I do understand your position and his, neither is wrong on a personal level far as I cna see.

But at the same time we can not beat people about the ears with the thought that we can do, or that we feel we can do what we like and they have to just shut up and take it...

Kinda of like when the teacher used to make an example out of someone... Even if they were wrong, putting the position of ultimate power in front of their face only twisted them up inside even more...

But the teacher who took the time to explain the situation and not lord over the student was more times than not seen as a cool person who you could talk with, and even though he might have nailed someone that same someone wouldn't hold it against them, they would admit, yeah I screwed up and he nailed me, no foul...

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on Mar 29, 2003
Alan Parsons Project - "Psychobabble"

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on Mar 29, 2003
Alice Cooper : I Love the Dead

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on Mar 29, 2003
Lynard Skynard : Freebird : Gimme back my Bullets : Sweet home Alabama

then Molly Hatchet : CD : Flirting with Disaster

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on Mar 29, 2003
Linkin Park - "faint" (Their Meteora CD)

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on Mar 29, 2003
you know, I've seen Linkin Park mentioned more than a few times, I am going to have to buy it and check it out

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on Mar 29, 2003
Alice Cooper - "Dead Babies"

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on Mar 29, 2003
"Gimmee back my bullets.... put 'em back where they belong.."

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on Mar 29, 2003
Linkin Park - "Don't Stay" (Meteora CD)

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