Phil Collins - "In The Air Tonight (Live)"
Po, Black Lab is strangely haunting. I find myself singing it.
Iben, awesome Phil Collins live.
Rebecca Black - "Friday"This has to be the greatest song ever recordedand we are just jealous.
Katrina and the Waves - "Walking On Sunshine"
King Diamond - At The Graves \m/
Carly Simon - "You're So Vain"
Here's what I've been listening to.... the vocals are not Roy's strong point, but his guitar playing is sublime....
Roy came to Brisbane twice... I saw him both times and called out for 'Hey Joe' both times and got it.
Here's the studio version.... and yes, that's just ONE guitar...
Metallica - Prince Charming \m/
...the black cloud over your head that's me...
This song is me.... wicked as hell.
A link to the page.... I'm Evil by Roy Buchanan