This isn't 'exactly' a desktop screenshot....more an office-desktop screenshot. It's my 'new' Office in night.
However....time for your latest/current Desktop Screenshots for July....
Rome is gonna be so jealous.
Green Glow by Don5318
Looks great Chuck.
Echo wb and Rainmeter skins
Loving this shot AL
The car is saying Drive Me!
Thanks guys. I'd give you a link to the pic, but I have no idea where I got it from.
TinEye reverse image lookup can help, Al.
Thank you Jim. That is so cool.
Heard of but paid it little mind. Probably good to have. Thanks RnD
Thanks Jim. I've used this before, just forgot about it.
I found one that is not the same size, but it is large. If you want it you can get it here F1 car
I'll grab it Al! Thanks!