The opinionated ramblings and muses of a weary web victim. 

Click the link.....enter your nick....or your name....and search.

I found 4 of mine....[under Jafo and Paul+Martin - since removed by request]

BoXXi has 167.....

Anyone I can think of is there....Nuvem...Treetog...Alexandrie...Pixtudio.......list is endless

Yes, this person at 'least' has our names on them....but that's only a small part of the issue of Copyright and distribution.

YOU as the property owner have the inalienable right to determine how, when and where your property is displayed and/or distributed.

This site [] is violating your rights.

However, fortunately the site admin appears to be aware he has no right to be doing as he does and promptly complies with requests for content removal.

It is up to each individual artist/owner to determine whether there is a case for proceeding to sue for material loss/compensation.


Administrative Contact :
van Opstal, Leo  

Technical Contact :
van Opstal, Leo

Anyone wanting to retain/maintain legal ownership of their property and control its dissemination would do well to contact Leo for content removal....

Comments (Page 5)
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on Jul 10, 2007

"It's not my fault I stole from house - the door was open and I saw cool stuff there."

I have seen people get off charges for saying just that.
on Jul 10, 2007
I just got back into town late last night, so I'm running a bit behind on this subject. So forgive me if this has already been covered. I must have missed it when I read through.

mschleisner, consider this example
You invent a widget that allows time travel and you generously decide to distribute it for free to all who want it--for personal use, (and as creator/inventor, that is your right). Now, an individual comes in and gets one of your widgets (supposedly for personal use), sets up shop in another city, and begins distributing your widget for free also. I can see how that might not be a biggie from your viewpoint, because it's still being given away at no charge, however, since this individual knows that your widget is the greatest thing since high speed internet and that there is definitely going to be a demand for it, they decide to charge a $2 admission fee (to cover overhead, of course). Such is the demand for your widget that the individual not only is able to cover his overhead, but also to make a nice little profit.

You still say, "No biggie"? Remember, it was/is your intention to give the widget away for the betterment of mankind (you're so generous) and it was never your intent for there to be a charge for YOUR invention, yet here is an individual who has taken your property and is not only giving it away without your permission, but is making a killing off of YOUR idea (through admission fees), AND you're not receiving ONE RED CENT! Hence they have violated your intellectual property rights on a couple of levels.

This whole discussion boils down to one simple fact: as creator/inventor YOU and you alone have the right to determine when, where, and how your creation/invention is to be used. It matters not if it's good or not, it matters not if it's valuable or not, it matters not if it's free or for a price, you have the right to determine what is done with it.

One final point. Each drop of rain is but a single drop of water, but if enough drops fall, you can flood the world. Even if the entire world is stealing from the 'net, everyone that takes a stand makes a difference.

Sorry if that sounds cutsie, I'm just trying to get a point across. I also apologize for the book length post.
on Jul 10, 2007
Funny personally directed at me, yet philly0381 was also saying the internet is full of people who are running amouck until they get their hand caught in the cookie jar. I gave an idea to Busch Gardens when I worked there, Rhino Rally was my idea, did I get paid? no! Does it make me mad yes, my family and friends knew about it. Did I file a lawsuit, no, I have no proof that the idea was mine even with pictures and all, they also changed a couple of things, so that would have been a lost cause because they changed a couple things, the court would have sided with big old Busch Gardens. Yet we talk about items that although took someone a long time to create or just a photo they doctored as being something of major value. O.K. It is to the person who created it. However, In a court of law, this is not something that the person could afford to fight, this also has international implications. I am not saying you don't have a right to ask someone to remove the stuff you created but guess what, according to a friend, who is a lawyer, you would be bankrupt if you tried to stop it. You may ask but if they choose to keep it, what can you do? I am just stating facts here. It's just like the Question recently where someone asked "what your computer setup looks like" people took pictures of massive computer systems and put that online, without thinking of who might look at that and find that person to break into their house and steal all their stuff. I think we forget who is out there and what kind of people use the internet and what for. Think about what you post, think about what you say, and how much info you give out. They are lurking and looking for ways to get what they want. I feel like I shouldn't use the forum anymore because no matter what I say I get slammed. No one sees it as information or opinion.
on Jul 10, 2007
I feel like I shouldn't use the forum anymore because no matter what I say I get slammed. No one sees it as information or opinion.

Maybe because the point of this post was to state a fact that another website has uploaded tons of stuff from members here and the post was written to give the authors the opportunity to ask that their work be removed. You seem to want to turn this into a debate or a drama. I see no point to the repeated ' info' you keep drilling into every post. I don't think any of us are new in town and do not understand the ' wicked ways ' of the internet.

carry on tho...

PS : Elsius Saint, in regards to your comment about giving fake praise/comment to new skinners to encourage them to keep improving their work but they ' couldnt pay you ' to download anything unless it was the work of the ' great masters '

Do you get up in the morning and say " im going to be a dipstick today ?" Cos those comments just piss me off.

on Jul 10, 2007
I feel like I shouldn't use the forum anymore because no matter what I say I get slammed. No one sees it as information or opinion.

Please don't feel that way. You have as much right to your opinion as do I or anyone else here. And I think, at least most of the people here understand that this is your opinion. This is just a case where a majority of the opinions tend to lean towards intellectual property right. And it seems that most of the ones that have taken this stand are artists whom[?] are trying to protect their rights regarding their creations.

Now, I intend no offense when I say this, so don't take it that way, but you sound as if you have experienced a situation where you have had something taken from you (identity theft?) and are possibly a little paranoid or pessimistic about individuals that use the net. I can accept that. And I 'm not trying to change your thinking on this. Just trying to help you understand why it's important to us. Now, I have one mediocre BootSkin that I've done, but I don't want some clown downloading it and then using it to make a profit just because it's available for free.

Anyone who's lived in this world long enough knows--sometimes from bitter experience--that the world can be very ugly and corrupt at times. I know that I've experienced my share of injustices like many others, but don't you think that despite fact that the odds might be against a person, that it's worth the effort to at least try and fight? To protect what is yours?

If I were in a situation where my children were threatened, I would try something within reason to protect or save them even though the odds are against me. Now we're not talking about a life or death situation here, but I would at least give it a shot, based solely on the principal of: It's my picture, and I don't want it on their site without my permission. If they're making money and they offer me a small share in the profits, then I might reconsider, but the choice is still mine and they need to respect it.

Yes, you ARE entitled to your opinion, and don't let anyone dissuade you from it. And don't leave us, despite differing opinions, it's still a good place to be.
on Jul 10, 2007

Debate about the moral turpitude of copyright theft is all well and good, but the prime reason for this particular thread was/is to notify others of the existence of this site which IS violating copyright.

The debate cannot be about THAT as its veracity is self-evident.

It is totally irrelevant/immaterial whether someone or other may consider taking action as futile.  It's about being proactive in the defence of YOUR property rights, as indifference will only breed contempt/further abuse.

mschleisner ...again, it is not about some person KEEPING 'stuff', it is about someone DISTRIBUTING 'stuff'....[and not to mention also doing it for personal gain].

All content on our site, and that of our fellow skinning/art sites is freely given [or sold] for personal use of the recipient.  It is a conditional contract, entered into by tacit acceptance of the Terms Of Use of the site/s.  Public redistribution is not 'personal use' and thus violates the TOU of the contents' source.

It actually does not matter whether an individual artist later is ambivalent towards his content use, as it also can be shown to contravene the host site's restrictions...

BTW...the last lawyer who tried to intimidate me personally [for the alleged rights of his client] was summarily gelded.  I knew mine better than his understanding of his client's...

on Jul 10, 2007
My results of searching in this site:

adni18 (74 wallpapers): WWW Link

Nikos Adamamas (54 wallpapers): WWW Link

Nikos Adamamas (2 bootskins):

10 have been deleted all ready, after my request, but still remaining 130 of my works there without my permission...
on Jul 10, 2007
Emailed him, Nikos....specifically mentioning you/your work ....
on Jul 10, 2007
I hesitate adding another reply to this post, we have enough opinions that have been expressed for both sides.

(Mrs) mschleisner in her reply (#63) took a part of one sentence from my reply (#60) and essentially wanted to know why I wasn't being picked on like she was. I kind of feel she changed the meaning of what I was trying to pointing out.

Sure I could copy the text, but It's more fun to have you go back and read the reply again for yourself. Yea, I'm lazy.   
on Jul 10, 2007
@ Fairyy~

I'm getting pay big money at work and sometimes I feel bored 'cause I don't have much to do or my work is just that easy. I come here to have a little fun with friends and those who dislike me just a little. I'm just having fun keeping things going wishing no one gets hurt.

You might want to blame Jafo instead. He has his own way of expressing himself in English which I find interesting. So I invite myself to keep things going one way of the other – I reserve the right not to be judged. At the end of the day, I as well as the people go swimming under the stars. The people do not hate me more than they love me.

on Jul 11, 2007

He has his own way of expressing himself in English which I find interesting.

Reminds me of a quote from Firefly.....

"This is going to be interesting"

"Define interesting"

"Oh God, oh God, we're all going to die?"

on Jul 11, 2007
I love it here and have been here a long time. I just feel attacked sometimes for my 0pinion. I am well educated and feel I should let others know when there is a possibility that some of the posts here only give others the chance to take without permission. I admire all those skinners who have made me happy for 7 years, as a member. Some of our members and visitors just don't know the internet as well as others. For now as of this moment, I will keep much of my opinions to myself. I will help when I can but as far as opinions, well for now I will keep many to myself. Just to keep people from smacking me down. Please keep trying to keep your stuff where you want it. I visit here and want to look. I am very impressed with the talent here, Yes Jafo, you too. I have made mistakes here and so have others but I plan to make sure I do my part to keep it clean and within my rights as a person with integrety, so Happy Hunting and Good Luck.
on Jul 11, 2007

All beginning has an ends

I just got to work and the first thing I did was logged on here. Mrs. mschleisner has gently thrown her soft silky white towel nice and sweet. I picked it up and smelled it with such indescribable way – Smelled so good… had to lick it.

I gently moonwalk my way back in heaven.

That’s how the story ends.

But I shall be back another time, another place in the castle.
on Jul 11, 2007
Attention all!

Jafo might be a top skillful discoverer

Firefly was our recent password to access one of the government highly protected servers. Was it a coincident or what! It is now changed anyway.

on Jul 11, 2007

All beginning has an ends

I just got to work and the first thing I did was logged on here. Mrs. mschleisner has gently thrown her soft silky white towel nice and sweet. I picked it up and smelled it with such indescribable way – Smelled so good… had to lick it.

I gently moonwalk my way back in heaven.

That’s how the story ends.

But I shall be back another time, another place in the castle.

Very nice I think it was the tingle at the thought of the knight on his horse, daydreaming fun. Thanks for the wonderful words so that I may daydream for a moment in time.
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