The opinionated ramblings and muses of a weary web victim.
A regular update on what's happenin' on the frontline of Uploads/mods....and other 'stuff'.
Published on February 3, 2008 By Jafo In WinCustomize News

I'm still getting an odd/interesting selection of 'copyright-issue' walls....simply extracted from submitted [unobstructed] screenshots.  This one [the wall] was a quick crop of the taskbar and icons on the left...leaving an odd size...but a simple non-linked resize [stretch] and I had a quaint 1680x1050 wallpaper.  [even the 'distortion' wasn't an issue....looks like it was already wrong to begin with and now looks more 'right']...

These screenshots are still regularly rejected for this copyright 'issue', so this is another reminder to people that a 'desktop screenshot' really needs to show more than a [mostly] blank wallpaper.

For screenies to be 'Featured' they not only need to display interesting/appealing use of Desktop customizing [think Stardock Apps here, too] but also a fairly detailed description of what's showing/used.


I currently count 32 items in the various queues..... several are waiting for comment/testing and others are waiting for clarification re authorship [as is often the case], though many have just recently been cleared [made public].  Wallpapers is still the popular gallery. 

There was even a new Litestep theme for me to try out [yay]... which I let through, though it did give me an issue in the 'should' ideally be self-installing [lsz] but had to be done manually.  Anyone up to speed with running LS shouldn't have too much trouble either way. 

Community Skin Project.... 

This is something I'm about to get underway.  Think 'as big as Heavy Equipment', but a wee bit rusty...

Ask a Moderator part deux... 

Check Zoomba's posting's a great insight into the odd bunch we have here looking after things...


Personal Messages

Remember if you need to contact an Admin/Moderator we're only a click or two away and most 'dramas' can be sorted quickly.

************ time here, so, same bat-channel next week....

on Feb 03, 2008
Good info Jafo, you're always on the J O B, thanks.   
on Feb 03, 2008
For anyone who doesn't check out the screenie in the "Screenshots" forum, the original of the wall, by Paul Barcellos, Jr., is at:

Among the sizes available is 1680 x 1050 (which I use). So Jafo, you can use a clean copy for your screen and give credit where due.
on Feb 04, 2008
This (c) of walls thing is a bit silly. As long as it is released in the public domain and the user links to the original, it doesn't really matter.
on Feb 04, 2008

As long as it is released in the public domain and the user links to the original, it doesn't really matter.

Oh, yes it does matter.  The artist owns copyright and thus is the only person legally entitled to determine how, where and when his image is displayed...and by whom.  The dispensation for 'fair use' pertaining to copyright is bounded by the term 'fair'. Wholly distributing the entire image without consent cannot be deemed 'fair use' as in the instance shown it is actual image redistribution.

Linking to the true source does not empower the author as he still did not/does not control the distribution....

on Feb 06, 2008
This is a very interesting post...I've been a subscriber, but not contributor for a number of years. A couple of years ago I thought I would submit a screen shot for the first time. I got in return what appeared to be an automatically generated email saying submission was rejected. With no reason given. I was very disappointed, and replied asking for a reason. Never got the courtesy of any reply.
My screen shot was very much the wallpaper with the start menu open, as I do like a clean desktop.
I'm guessing now that this is probably the reason...however the memory has always remained and been the reason I've not bothered to try any more submissions.
on Feb 06, 2008
I was very disappointed, and replied asking for a reason. Never got the courtesy of any reply.

I believe that WC has gotten better at specifying a reason for rejection since you submitted.

I can understand, however your disappointment at getting a rejection on your fist submission. You should try again!
on Feb 06, 2008
It's unlikely but still possible you received a rejection email without an added reason, though these days we make a point of adding to the base notice any relevant particulars.  An unobscured wall in a screenshot would mention exactly that.  I for one have a bunch of adding comments in a text file to copy/paste [saves two-fingered typing]...