16 year old Pink fan paid 460-odd to be in the mosh pit at Pink's concert last night [in Melbourne] and TWITtered some crap about a bomb...and 'blowing up the Rod Laver arena'....
His face was identified from his page....and he was located in the arena.....carted out by security and didn't get to see anything of the concert.
He now faces Police criminal charges of terrorism [and notification he will NOT be getting a refund].
You rug-rats of the 'Me Generation' need to learn about ramifications.
Try NOT to do it at the cost of $460 AND probable permanent criminal record.
And no, it's not an 'over reaction' it's legitimate concerns for PUBLIC SAFETY. [but I'm sure some civil libertarian will get all weepy - even though one possible outcome could easily have been a crowd panic/stampede resulting in actual death and injury].