The opinionated ramblings and muses of a weary web victim.

16 year old Pink fan paid 460-odd to be in the mosh pit at Pink's concert last night [in Melbourne] and TWITtered some crap about a bomb...and 'blowing up the Rod Laver arena'....

His face was identified from his page....and he was located in the arena.....carted out by security and didn't get to see anything of the concert.

He now faces Police criminal charges of terrorism [and notification he will NOT be getting a refund].


You rug-rats of the 'Me Generation' need to learn about ramifications.

Try NOT to do it at the cost of $460 AND probable permanent criminal record.

And no, it's not an 'over reaction' it's legitimate concerns for PUBLIC SAFETY. [but I'm sure some civil libertarian will get all weepy - even though one possible outcome could easily have been a crowd panic/stampede resulting in actual death and injury].

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 08, 2013

That manner of "prank", in that place in current times should be harshly treated.

It's not funny/cool or anything but criminal. Total idiot.

on Jul 08, 2013

Try NOT to do it at the cost of $460 AND probable permanent criminal record.

I know in the USA it would be a permanent record. I'm not sure if many kids even ever read a paper or something on the Internet about what could happen if they do this stuff even if they never have any intentions of hurting anyone or thing.

They have a few classes in school that are a waist of time and do nothing. There should be a class say twice a year to scare people about what would happen to them if they pull this kind of stuff. At least here in the US law enforcement would do it for free if asked and scare the hell of these kids in a good way.

Stupid, maybe for some. Lack of knowledge for others. We as people assume all children know about this stuff and what will happen if they are caught. Many do and still do this stuff but many don't until they are caught and now it's to late.

This may not sound correct but I feel that many of the children really have no idea what will happen to them and just think it's a joke. When in reality it's life changing for them anytime it happens.

on Jul 08, 2013

This may not sound correct but I feel that many of the children really have no idea what will happen to them and just think it's a joke.

Dave, it's on the news, it's on radio, it isn't something Assange or Snowden are expected going to leak. 

The fact that it happens so often, are publicized and that it keeps happening is the very definition of "stoopid".

Kids are told about pulling the fire alarm in the second and third grade. A teenager is not a child, but even children know not to "cry wolf": It IS a children's story.

on Jul 08, 2013

Many schools used to have precisely this class: it was called "How to Behave in Civil Society, and Why Such Behavior is Necessary".  It was usually shortened to "Civics".

on Jul 08, 2013

Many schools used to have precisely this class: it was called "How to Behave in Civil Society, and Why Such Behavior is Necessary". It was usually shortened to "Civics".

Yes...I think I remember nephews and nieces doing that....

Back in our day we had parents....

...and Corporal Punishment....




...and Capital Punishment....

on Jul 08, 2013

At almost 67 years of age, I am an early member of the Baby Boomer generation. This generation is the last to have grown up under the "spare the rod, spoil the child" method of learning social behavior. My father used the belt when necessary to reinforce my training. I learned early on that there were good and bad consequences to my actions that I still apply to this day now that I am retired and living in Muskogee, OK.

Dr. Brothers and Dr. Spock may have caused irreparable harm with their change to child training. They stressed only positive reinforcement to child behavior which has probably resulted in the current lack of respect for others and the consequences for those actions. No wonder that law enforcement is so busy, the court system is overloaded and the prisons are bursting at the seams. This is one reason why I now have a concealed weapon license and carry a 9mm semi-auto handgun.


on Jul 08, 2013

And no, it's not an 'over reaction' it's legitimate concerns for PUBLIC SAFETY. [but I'm sure some civil libertarian will get all weepy - even though one possible outcome could easily have been a crowd panic/stampede resulting in actual death and injury].

I am about as libertarian as you can get, and even I agree this stupidity warrants a criminal record. You may have to go one more level to anarchist to see any 'weepy'.


on Jul 08, 2013

The fact that it happens so often, are publicized and that it keeps happening is the very definition of "stoopid".

I understand the definition and don't totally disagree. To think this is the only reason isn't right. I have grandchildren as many do. One has to be honest about what they actually see. Do they and other children do stooped things? Yes. Do they do things that are wrong? Yes. Difference some of the things they thought may be funny they just didn't know about right or wrong.

Sad to say about your own grandchildren and others but they don't see or hear all this stuff. Sure some of it but when you are playing games on an Xbox and walk around with an iPod in your ear listening to music do don't get many changes to see or hear other things. Here is an example. My Daughter doesn't watch the news on TV when the kids are around. she doesn't want them to see all the shit going on in the World. I tell her they need to see that so they can learn what not to do.

I'm 68 and agree with "kku" Kids wine or cry give them what they want to shut them up. You see it in stores, shopping markets, all over. I can say that I knew at an early age to listen to my parents when they said no. Not today it turns out to be a full conversation if you want to use that word and the kids end up winning when it's all done. I knew I would get a smack in the butt and grew up with respect. Today the kids don't care how much older a person is over them. If they don't like what they heard or were told they will just tell you to F off.

I grew up just fine getting a smack here and there. (well at least what is wrong with me wasn't caused from how I was brought up)

Just my view folks and doesn't make me right or wrong. Love you all and carry on.

on Jul 08, 2013

Back in our day we had parents....

...and Corporal Punishment....

...and Capital Punishment....



on Jul 08, 2013

I'm 68 and agree with "kku" Kids wine or cry give them what they want to shut them up. You see it in stores, shopping markets, all over.

Just walk away. I see plenty of parents walk away from a kid throwing a tantrum...wherever that might happen. The kid sobers up real fast.


Quoting Jafo, reply 5Back in our day we had parents....

...and Corporal Punishment....

...and Capital Punishment....



on Jul 08, 2013

but I'm sure some civil libertarian will get all weepy - even though one possible outcome could easily have been a crowd panic/stampede resulting in actual death and injury].

I am about as libertarian as you can get, and even I agree this stupidity warrants a criminal record. You may have to go one more level to anarchist to see any 'weepy'.

Speaking as a libertarian/anarchist, even I could never defend such nonsense.  I think one's political views are irrelevant on this one -- it's merely a matter of common sense (aka not being stupid).

If all this "social media" is good for anything, it's watching stupid people doing stupid things with it like this.

on Jul 08, 2013

(being able to preview your reply before posting it, as well as deleting your own posts -- would be fantastic)

on Jul 08, 2013

(being able to preview your post before posting it, as well as deleting your own posts -- would be fantastic)
You "preview" it on your end. You do have a display screen, do you not? As for the second part, you can edit it, just not delete it.

on Jul 08, 2013

Kudos to whomever caught that on twitter and got him out of there.  It could've easily not been a joke.

on Jul 08, 2013

You "preview" it on your end. You do have a display screen, do you not? As for the second part, you can edit it, just not delete it.

You're confused.  My double post was not intended, hence the reason I said I wished there was a way to delete your own posts.  Obviously one can view the text of their post before hitting reply, as well as edit it afterwards.  Yet if there is anything more than basic text involved, there is no way to preview how it will look to others beforehand.

You see, many other forums have a "post preview" function which allows one to see precisely what their post will look like to others before posting it.  This way, one can to see be sure any quotes appear properly, linked images show up how you want them, while checking any other html errors etc before they hit reply.  I notice others here frustrated by the lack of this functionality frequently.  You follow now?

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