I have 4 computers running Windows 10.
On all 4 I've either avoided by deferring and/or simply not been in the rollout of the Anniversary Update yet.
So I decided to treat [?] Terry to the new and 'improved' Win 10 and loaded it on hers via me 'forcing' the update.
And all worked fine....even improved some graphics glitches [as in eliminated them, not made them bigger].
Armed with an exuberance of confidence [you know....confidence - that feeling you have immediately BEFORE you fully understand the situation] I decided to encumber my i7 laptop with it too.
'Seemed' OK ....pretty slow to boot initially...but so be it.
Then I tried doing something. Just then, a 3 toed sloth rushed past me followed by a phalanx of snails....
I had just discovered a new interpretation of the meaning of 'slow'.
Text input.
You could transcribe the entire content of War and Peace before the first character registered on the screen.
Googling on this machine was a giggle....I discovered Microsoft had created a time stasis for everyone to lose themselves in....doing nothing FAST.
Tried a few 'solutions' [I use the word loosely]...and input was .....um.....less slow.
Managed to 'request' this 'improvement' to bugger off and give me back my old 10....
....which it has....now.
Next plan is to go back to that 'defer updates' setting and defer the fucker out of them until such time as someone at MS is summarily executed for being useless.
I have always maintained....forced updates will be the death of Microsoft...and they are too stupid as a collective gestalt to even realize what's currently gripping their gonads and squeezing slowly......