The opinionated ramblings and muses of a weary web victim.

Some people might recall 'back in the day' ...about 10 years ago .... Thermaltake joined forces with BMW Design and came out with the "Thermaltake Level 10" Limited Edition case.

It weighed a ton and was a silly price considering it didn't even come with a PSU ... $1299  AUD.

I ended up with No.221 of the world-wide 500.

Today, I saw on Ebay another for sale second hand [obviously] for $800 AUD - just "up the road" in South Australia .... No.21.

....and it comes with a MoBo and CPU.

Anyone who has had one knows how well they work being made from aluminium plate [not sheet] so are their own heat-sink and the sectioned compartments prevent heat transference as well.

A side effect of their huge weight and size..... no-one's likely to ever pinch it ....

My first one....No.221 ....

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 12, 2025


No one wants to be perceived as running hot.

Probably true...except for those who had to work to earn the money to buy their machines.

Paradox warning: Clearly a want/need contradiction. People might want to eat ice cream, but realize that they need to eat healthy to control their blood sugar.

Who wants to hear a fire alarm in the middle of a great movie? No one, but people learn to prefer not being burned.

on Jan 13, 2025

Maybe I didn't properly explain:   different chips have different acceptable ranges of temperatures that they can operate in.  Or more specifically, they have different ranges of temperatures that they can operate in *according to their own temperature sensor*.   All chips basically use the same materials:   polysilicon, phosphorous, boron, aluminum, etc..   They all have the same specific heat, etc. for the same material.   It's not like Intel can legitimately say they have superior phosphorous atoms to AMD's phosphorous atoms (although I have no doubt they would try).   

But the temperature sensor is a design.  They rely on the same universal laws of physics, but the designs are specific to the company.  Usually it comprises of a voltage divider, reed sensor, etc. of some sort, and that analog voltage gets fed to an ADC (analog-to-digital converter).   The sensor causes something to output a different voltage depending on what temperature it is, and that voltage gets converted into a digital number.   The company can calibrate that any way they want.  They can convert 35 millivolts into a 0 or a 16376, and they can interpret that 16376 to be any temperature they want (although if they ever interpreted it to be a negative Kelvin temperature, I think it's safe to say that design is definitively wrong).   The most logical choice is to calibrate it to output the temperature of THAT temperature sensor itself.   Which probably runs a good 17C cooler than the cores are running at that very moment.   So you may be reading 30C on the console, but the part of the chip you actually care about is running at 47C.    But that's okay--you already have an acceptable range in your head that the computer can reliably run at, and that is based on the temperature you are reading.  Your upper limit may be 90C, when we actually validate the CPU to run at 110C in-house (110C is a very common upper limit for non-military grade).

Personally, I think an accurate chip temperature sensor needs to reflect the WORST-CASE temperature on the CHIP.  But that is bad marketing.  If your AMD computer reads 30C and their Intel computer reads 50C, everyone's going to buy the AMD computer.  Even though they are running at the same temperature.

on Jan 13, 2025


Personally, I think an accurate chip temperature sensor needs to reflect the WORST-CASE temperature on the CHIP. But that is bad marketing. If your AMD computer reads 30C and their Intel computer reads 50C, everyone's going to buy the AMD computer. Even though they are running at the same temperature.

I understood you, tetleytea. The more successful marketing takes advantage of uninformed/noncritical thinking. A subtle and rarely considered fact as we rarely are intellectually honest enough to consider what we don't know and haven't learned.

on Jan 13, 2025

Cool case. Now you just need the upcoming 5090 gpu to test its limits 😅

on Jan 13, 2025


Cool case by the way. Now you just need the upcoming 5090 gpu in it

I have an EVA RTX3070 sitting here that'll fit - once I space out the GPU cover plate as I did for the first one.

I'm going to try to use what I have 'laying around' to keep things 'affordable'.  When the first one was done it was pretty much the top of the specs possible and its cost reflected it.... eg the first 32gig of ram was $1020 AUD ... but recently I doubled it for $256 AUD  [Corsair Dominator Platinum [4x8G] 2666MHz DDR4].  Yes, the board has 8 ram slots ...

on Feb 04, 2025


Level 10 No. 021 is 'mostly' up and running.

It came complete with a MoBo, CPU and fan and various cables and was pretty 'dirty' ... the previous owner was clearly a smoker.

Yes, in the good old days of smoking on planes the service crews could always find cabin leaks from the nicotine stains [true story].

The MoBo was a Gigabyte GA-Z170X Gaming 7 LGA1151 MotherBoard, and the CPU was Intel i7 7700 3.60Ghz @3.50Ghz LGA1151 CPU, so not too scruffy.

I hunted down 4x16G DDR4 for it and things were going great with the 'old' Antec TruePower 1000w PSU I added....

Until I got around to hooking up a drive...then things went decidedly 'south'.

There's apparently a DO-NOT-EVER-DO rule with Modular PSUs....


You'd kinda assume standardized pin setups on Modulars...but no.

I plugged in a blank SSD and the Sata data cable promptly went into meltdown...smoke everywhere while I yanked out the power lead.

Long story short... the 1000w Antec promptly fucked itself and became a book-end, but not before taking out 4 of the 8 SATA sockets on the MoBo.

So, the PSU has gone to God...along with every "not used" Modular cable [and the burnt Sata].

Not all a disaster as I have a nice new PSU [with all matched cables] and a PCIe to Sata card to replace the 4 dead sockets.

Total expenditure looks like a bit less than a quarter of the original's price [the No.221].


If you ever get a second hand computer simply dump any power leads it might have before you add a new PSU.


on Feb 05, 2025

There's apparently a DO-NOT-EVER-DO rule with Modular PSUs....


You'd kinda assume standardized pin setups on Modulars...but no.

Never heard that, but thanks for the heads up.

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