The opinionated ramblings and muses of a weary web victim.
Jafo's Articles » Page 11
December 19, 2007 by Jafo
"The program features the following: retouch tools; built-in conventional and adaptive filters for noise reduction and edge extraction; red-eye removal; user-specified filters in spatial and frequency domain; resize, rotate, crop and warping of images; and scanner, camera and printer support. It supports reading and writing of BMP, ICO, CUR, WMF, EMF, JPEG, PNG, PCX and JPEG 2000 images. It supports the reading of RAS, PNM, PGM, PPM, HIPS and Matlab files."   Sounds like fun....anot...
December 9, 2007 by Jafo
For those eager to modify/alter everything they's another tool for fun.... All sorts of 'tools' exist for manipulating your Windows Experience. I can't say I've used this one....[can't even remember which proggy I used to make my own custom cursors that I still always use - was a fair few years ago now]... but it looks like it's worth a 'go' ....
December 1, 2007 by Jafo
Recently Zoomba posted he had just reached 5 years with Stardock...and it got me thinking about when I started fiddling with OS Customizing [originally on sites such as  and ...and later]. The first 'release' of Litestep I came across was called 'b21' or more accurately 1.0 b21 dated 25 March, 1998 ....though the first I actually messed with was b23 a little time after that....but probably just on 10 years ago. Litestep was thought up by a guy...
November 12, 2007 by Jafo
A few people tripped up in our collective consciousnesses in the past few some advancements are in order.... But in no special order... Congratulations to a gaggle of new Apprentices.... Chu99g Pumakitten57 BookChick muckyman Jimbo9294 And.... to Master Apprentice.... Bandit4edu Welldone, guys [where 'guys' is generic]....
October 16, 2007 by Jafo
Possibly many don't notice that skinners are like "normal" people....have faces and all.... [some, I'm told have a Real Life [tm]] !!!! Koasati of the 'old crowd' set this up ages ago ....but there's a whole swag of people you'll know by nick. Check 'em out ....
July 8, 2007 by Jafo   Click the link.....enter your nick....or your name....and search. I found 4 of mine....[under Jafo and Paul+Martin - since removed by request] BoXXi has 167..... Anyone I can think of is there.... Nuvem ... Treetog ... Alexandrie ... Pixtudio .......list is endless Yes, this person at 'least' has our names on them....but that's only a small part of the issue of Copyright and distribution. YOU as the property owner ha...
June 13, 2007 by Jafo
'Twas Wednesday [yesterday] about midday.....there was a flicker onscreen... 'Damn', I thought....'not more animated Gifs'...... The flicker was the screen image edges...far left and right.....the extremes of the horizontal scan.  In other words the image was narrowing 4 or 5 pixels each side...and recovering. Just now and then. My next thought was.....'probably time for a new monitor' It was a CRT... Hyundai, aka DiamondView ....19" true flat screen.....ran like a dream at m...
March 12, 2007 by Jafo
All the best people are 52.... Have a good one....
January 8, 2007 by Jafo
This is a desktop.....   [Actually....the links at left are interesting]....
June 12, 2006 by Jafo
.....and JJ Ying's famous....hit number #3 on the search results.... Two Million, eight hundred and ninety thousand plus results......that's almost one per each site member [well, a wee bit more than one per]. There was a time when 'googling' Wincustomize might just have popped up one question...."did you mean 'wincustomise'?"..... How things have changed....  
April 26, 2006 by Jafo
Things Are Going to Get a Lot Worse Before Things Get Worse "I liken starting one's computing career with Unix, say as an undergraduate, to being born in East Africa. It is intolerably hot, your body is covered with lice and flies, you are malnourished and you suffer from numerous curable diseases. But, as far as young East Africans can tell, this is simply the natural condition and they live within it. By the time they find out differently, it is too late. They already think that the writin...
November 15, 2005 by Jafo
An interesting display in treeform of 'all' the Windows shells [GUI Interfaces], past and present. Knock your socks off...
October 6, 2005 by Jafo
OK....just a bit of a DeBono outlook on life.... All you lonely souls....need a friend? Buy one with a WC Sub....they'll lurve you for it...
June 9, 2005 by Jafo
Today IE6 decided to shutdown ZA's TrueVector service.Pretty neat, really....get on the net and your firewall karks it.SDC is fine [IRC] ....Firefox is fine....Outlook is fine.....supposedly it was an issue with the MS Antispyware proggy....but shutting that down didn't help....IE6 was the culprit....
June 3, 2005 by Jafo
Lately, when dl clicking on a a jpg .... Paintshop Pro loads...but this error pops up.  Then I dl click on the file again and it'll load. This is using Explorer Plus....but Windows Explorer is the same. I'm assuming I have a service stopped that cause the error....yet dl clicking on a doc file loads word just fine. Any ideas? Google didn't help as any refs to the error appear to be different issues or system-wide...