The end of the month is getting closer and closer, but if you haven’t posted your current desktop screenshot in our monthly desktop thread, then it’s not too late. This is always one of my favorite threads as it’s cool to see what people have on their desktop on a daily basis. If you take screenshots on a regular basis, then I always recommend using either SnagIt , or Jing from TechSmith. They are both awesome apps for screenshots. Check them out and let...
Life is full of complications.....the best laid plans of mice and men....etc. This was supposed to be up a day or two ago.....and I even managed to do some of the promotions back then, but events conspired against me once more. But here they are, and congratulations to you all. Apprentice: Uvah - wosgien - Nazz3 - TCAlienWorks - ht...
The old box served well for over half a decade ..... but eventually life was passing me by.... particularly during the FULL boot time being around 10 minutes.... It was [in its day] a fairly decent machine...P4/3.0 in an ASUS P4P800e Deluxe mobo with 2 gig [4x500] ram and eventually about the 'fastest' AGP card still around....a HD3850 with 512 GDDR3...all in an old Lian Li P60, powered by a TruePower 550 Watt PSU. Then I got hacked....ending up as a mule server for email spam [I think] .....
Something I tripped over while doing even sillier things like customizing the GUI of Win 98se running under VMware..... It does quaint things like hide your desktop you want to ignore them.... so you can bask in all that clean, uncluttered wallpaper loveliness. I have it running painlessly in the Win 98 and in the Host XP Pro dramas....give it a gander....
It's sometimes 'fun' to wrestle with the site whilst it's in 'flux' ...with dev work for the new site the likely culprit for "things-that-now-go-wrong" ....but it's always fun to set and list the new promotees for the month. [thanks to Island Dog for joining forces in overcoming the latest quirk]. Congratulations, one and all. .. Apprentice: Frankell Link Sc4rfy Link Vervi59 Link Kavel &n...
OK, this time I tripped over a new bug....not an old one with a lovingly placed pet, just a clean, new one....that had me do I get around it?..... Island Dog came to the rescue with a helpful hint... "think, you moron".....anyway.... it makes a good excuse for being tardy. Congratulations to all..... Apprentice: mickeko Link Master Apprentice: Wizard1956 Link Pixel-...
It's March, yes, even in back-woods it's time for some new promotees to be listed. Congratulations, one and all.... Apprentice: Voidcore Link amitsaran Link MouseGoddess Link Master Apprentice: Xiandi Link Journeyman: Vampothika aka kittymalone Link Carguy1 Link 2of3 Link
February 13, 2009 by
Actually, Island Dog claimed to be under the weather so the Moderator meeting was put off so he could fill his hot water bottle... It's a great bunch of people....all deserving our cheers and wishes, etc.... Apprentice: Domat - Link Kittycat670 - Link eddyhaze - Link mrs starkers - Link jojo25 - Link Winstar4 - Link PiscDong - Link Master ...
I blame the holidays [gonna have some one day] we're a wee bit late this month... [OK, so I was slacking off] Congrats to one and all.... The best is worth waiting for.... Apprentice casualtraveller Link hallv5 Link matteeo Link oAREAo Link thuglifejunior Link Imstein Link k10w3 Link ...
December 31, 2008 by
To all the wonderful people who make a 'great place to be' ....have a Happy New Year.... ...and a safe one, From all the guys and gals at Stardock. [I get in first becase I'm in the 'Twilight Zone' of an alternate universe......the other side of the planet. It's currently
December 23, 2008 by
I moderate the Screensaver section.....[all those installs/exe's/scr's can be a pain].... and so many tend to be 'much of a muchness'.... But now and the there'll be one or two that prompt a smile..... ....or something.... ECG by Ausvet ....I kept watching it.....waiting for a flatline [now there's a lost opportunity]. Then there's COSMOS
Again, Island Dog steals the thunder with the new Masters..... .....but I get to announce the ones that really count.... Congratulations, one and all. Apprentice: DaveBax RobJK Philmar83 madcat21 jester382 &...
Island Dog has already listed the new Masters for the month...[it's something that's 'done' from within site-access to the from ten thousand miles away my arms are too short]. Here's the other ones, however, and congrats to all.... Apprentice: Angus1949 Butch123 Goldwing Master Apprentice: AtomArts http://atomnet.wincusto...
OK, the Mods have been out and about noticing people....[it's called 'collision avoidance'] and gave me a list of people to promote this month..... Congratulations, one and all.... Apprentice: Cplair AlMonty BK13Garbageman Master Apprentice: Littleboy Journeyman: Skinhit
September 7, 2008 by
This month it's not about quantity but quality so there's 'only' three........ Congratulations, guys.... Apprentice: TomRichter – Link Pixeleo – Link Master Apprentice: Ausvet – Link