The TRUE and ORIGINAL "Heavy Metal" They're on tonight in Melbourne....and it's been 40 years since the last time... Hopefully Ozzy has a few synapses that still fire OK ....and from the sound of the song linked....he ain't changed much at all... About time I got a little 'Black'.... Seen the Pinks, the Purples....even the Crimsons...
As you may have guessed by now....I'm kinda into Microsoft's FSX [the flight sim] .... because the scope for 'skinning' is pretty much limitless. All those planes ...all those liveries.... But, along with high-end graphic cards, etc. you need input [as Number 5 would say] ....via something half-decent as a throttle and stick. I've been using the Saitek X52 Pro for a couple of years... ...but there's another one....and it has a hig...
February 18, 2013 by
Well...I guess it takes/took 10 days or so of over 30c weather... but after x years of almost permanent running my V8 Coolermaster fan decided to bugger off and go troppo. It's not like it was ever an issue.....until a shutdown/reboot ...cos I never shutdown..... But then silly old me did. So the fan said time for a holiday and shut up shop. I got it kick-started one time with some compressed air and a poking or three.... ...but today it said 'no way, Jose, find some...
February 11, 2013 by
February 10, 2013 by
Ya gotta love Tarantino... There was one bit that HAS TO BE the funniest piece of film I have seen in YEARS.... I know he loves paying homage to all those old B Movies..... but this time there was a bit of 'Blazing Saddles'-style. Will it be another 'cult classic' like Pulp Fiction? Possibly... BTW... don't spoil it for anyone. Anything resembling a 'spoiler' will be removed...
December 31, 2012 by
To everyone from the gang at and Stardock .... wishing you all a Happy [and safe] New Year .....
December 23, 2012 by
It's the end of the year [holidays for some] Christmas time for all [and for those that it isn' know what I mean]...... Time to hand out some 'prezzies', as it were. Congratulations to everyone..... [I have it on good authority there'll be some new Masters shortly as well] .... APPRENTICE: c31marius :- kimjosborn :- MASTER APPRENTICE: Neone6 :- Ernie Leo :...
November 26, 2012 by
September 16, 2012 by
The sanity of a good 'backup plan' cannot be stressed highly enough...or often enough. As some might know...I skin aircraft in the MS flight sim...'FSX', and have recently got into extensive/complex and detailed graphics with 'a lot' of layers. The images are 4096x4096 pixel a single bitmap isn't exactly tiny. Currently the multi-layer sets have up to 57 layers, which means the saved filesize in psp format is a bit over 200meg. Now that ...
I remember one of my first games for PC ...that I was eager to try....Mechwarrior II the demo..... it fitted on 4 floppies [1.44 meg each - for those who might not know what a floppy was....I'm sure there's some]... I just checked my FSX install [Microsoft's Flight Sim 10].... It's 143 GIG .....255,137 files. Now ignoring 1024 and just going with 1000 [I'm lazy] that's about twentyfive THOUSAND times larger. Like I said.....big ....
Looks like Lance wasn't dealing off the top of the deck. Dang it disappointing.... even IF cycling 'invented' the art of drug cheating....
It's past time Wincustomize recognized some contributors to Skins and skinning with some well-deserved promotions. Congratulations, everyone.... APPRENTICE:- RoccusSupreme - Subliminal Visions - Joyton - MASTER APPRENTICE:- Pizentu - http://users.wincu...
I know everyone sees them on racing cars, especially Formula One, where it's evolved into a science and artform...... ....but in reality 'low-speed' [that's what it is] aerodynamics will show they are as beneficial as the proverbial 'tits-on-a-bull' at anything RESEMBLING a legal speed limit. Yes, an F1 develops enough downforce at 120mph to drive upside-down on a ceiling....[which is totally impractical], and even the road car I drive has a rear 'spoiler' a...